Sunday, September 30, 2012

Vanity Trove October 2012

Guess what arrived for me on thursday! The lovely people at Vanity Trove sent me October's box! I love the idea of themed boxes specially picked out, and also that Vanity Trove gives full sized items in the box, which way exceeds the value of the box. If you add up the fun factor, surprise factor, and me being a giam-siap lou (calclative with money/miser), value for money factor, the $25 a month does seem quite worth it, even after taking away points for products that might not be as great. It also makes a great gift and a lovely surprise. 

Anyhoo, this month's theme is Big & Bold. I just had to bold that... excuse my Sunday morning lame sense of humour. I love getting beautifully designed items. I subscribe to art galleries so that they'll send me promotional newsletters/postcards that I sometimes use to stick on my wall or keep. Simple as this pamphlet was, I had to pick this up first before even looking at the items. Who would've thought orange and purple could go so well....

The pamphlet says it all, I don't believe I have to re-elaborate. 

This month's goodies! I finally got myself a light tent, but it's a teensy small for this huge box of products and everything looks rather cramped. I tried my best... Ok not really, I was just experimenting and I was really eager to get these photos out!

1) DHC Olive Essentials Series

The box includes this little series of mini samples from DHC. There is a sachet of DHC cleansing oil (1 use), a little bar of mild soap (10 uses), sachet of mild lotion (1 use) and a sachet of olive virgin oil (4 uses as it's meant to be dabbed on pimples). I've honestly only heard great things about the cleansing oil, but I will definitely be using these samples. I'm a little hesitant to say that I will be able to tell how great or not great these items will be based on such small samples though.

On to eye products!

2) Methode Swiss Beauty Care Thermal Therapy Eye Essence, Thermal Oxygen Soothing Eye Cream and Thermal Oxygen Overnight Eye Mask (5ml samples)

A little research tells me that Methode Swiss uses technologies and ingredients from Switzerland, a short look at their website/SaSa's website shows a Chinese advertisement so I'm a little confused. The little sample tube says made in Switzerland. I used the eye cream last night and it was a lovely soft gel like cream. I found that my obnoxiously deep undereye wrinkle on my left eye seemed plumped out today. Can't wait to try the rest!

Also, 15ml of any of these samples cost between SGD$62.90 - $69.90, so just think of the value! There is also an insert that allows us to purchase the eye essence or eye mask at $30 each with the purchase of the eye cream. That's like a 25% off so it's pretty good.

3) Bourjois Queen Attitude Khol Kajal

This if full sized! When I first opened this I thought it was a lipstick -.- and I panicked and thought wtf (pardon the language) was I gonna do with a black lipstick? For Halloween perhaps? Then I calmed down and realised that it was eyeliner and I was elated because I LOOVEEEEE eyeliners. Also the packaging is really unique and it feels expensive. I'm also pretty sure it's marketed to have some natural ingredients in it, but reading so much Beauty and the Bullshit makes me hesitant to blog about promos like that.

Sad to say though, this eyeliner doesn't live up to any standards whatsoever. It applies smoothly, nice and pigmented. But that's about the end of how good it gets. From then on it NEVER sets. The moment I blinked the eyeliner transferred onto the upper portion of my eyelid. I don't have a deep double eyelid on my right eye, so this is what single lid people can expect. I then tried to smudge it out as it's meant to be used, and set the lined portion with a black shadow thinking it might be good as a smokey eye base.

Just look at my eyes at the end of the day?! Not only did it crease into my double eyelid crease, it almost entirely vanished!!!! I haven't tried this with a primer but I'm really hoping it works better with a primer if not I'm never ever gonna use this again.

4) Leaders Insolution Hydrogel Eye Therapy Patch (obviously full sized...)

Has a sticker on it that says winner of Cleo (for overseas readers, this is a female magazine) Beauty Hall of Fame 2012. If I remember correctly, Xiaxue also did quite an advertisement post for them not long ago. It's korean skincare, paraben and pigment free and promises to boost elasticity and moisture to the skin, as well as have a cooling and soothing effect. I really can't wait to try this, but I'm saving it for a rainy day.

Lastly, body and face products!

5) Audrey Christian Push Up (Breast, Neck & Tummy Cream) 150ml

This is yet another full sized product! Retails at Watsons for SGD$129... Woah. I think the name says it all. It's meant to firm boobs, neck and tummy, or anywhere else you feel needs firming I guess. Thighs? Butt? Haven't tried it yet though it sounds quite exciting. Who doesn't want bigger boobs? Especially if you're like me with mediocre unassuming boobs. ): 

Some people would have gotten the Venetrim (SGD$79) instead, meant for varicose veins. I'm fat, don't do heavy weights, don't wear super high heels and I guess I have good genetics in the vein aspect so I'm actually quite glad I got the push up cream. 

There is also a voucher that gives us $20 off any of the 2 products mentioned above at Sasa. 

6) VMV Hypoallergenics Hydra Balance Gentle Cream Cleanser and Hydra Balance Smart Moisturizer, both for Combination Skin (30ml Samples)

On the little pamphlet given in the box, it says VMV Hypoallergenics validated hypoallergenic, randomized, blinded, published and awarded clinical studies, skinfatuated, skintellectual, skingenious since 1979. For some reason, these claims really really annoy me. I mean, what do those things even mean?! Speak English and not make up words! 

Apart from that, this product is practically everything free and good for acne prone skin. I did try the moisturizer last night and I really do like it. It is light weight yet gives pretty awesome moisture and my flaky dry skin did disappear after one night. 

There's also a voucher that entitles us to a free gift at the store at Ion. If we bring a friend and said friend purchases something, said friend is also entitled to a free gift. Free! Just take! (so singaporean...)

7) The Essence of Nature Bamboo Sap Patch (full sized)

This is a korean product and is a detox patch that you stick on your feet. Based on the concept that the soles of the feet are where acupuncture points are concentrated, by sticking the patch on the feet at night, it is able to draw out toxin through the feet. 

The functions of the bamboo sap patch are to absorb toxins and unnecessary waste matter in the body, promote good blood circulation, help body to recover from fatigue, eliminates hangovers and pacifies the mind and body, as well as provide antibiotic and detoxification actions. Sounds awesome doesn't it? 

I actually used it last night, and when I woke up the patch was quite disgustingly brown. In my defense, at least it wasn't black (just check some pictures out on google...). Then again, I know my body is quite screwed up from bad sleep cycles and lifestyle, especially my liver, so I was quite hopeful that this would help. I actually didn't sleep very well with the patch on and woke up quite sore. The soreness though, is most probably from friday's body combat class but I am more sore than on saturday which is funny. Maybe it's just my body's way of purging?

The patch says that it should be applied until it is no longer saturated with body discharges, so I really can't tell with 1 trial. 

Phew! I'm finally done with all the contents of the box! Overall, I'm more than pleased with this month's box. There are 4 full sized products! Phenomenal value if you ask me. For me, I'm going to be enjoying most of the products except for the eyeliner (pity) and the push up cream (really don't think I'll need it much because my boobs are just small, not saggy ): ). Thank you Vanitytrove! 

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