I feel like a cliche reviewing this, but I do love this. This is my current everyday go to eyeliner. It's pretty much foolproof and doesn't do funky things. The K-palette Real Lasting Eyeliner 24h or 1 Day Tattoo (No idea what the actual name actually is I'm just listing everything that's written on the pen) is probably the best liquid eyeliner one could use in my opinion. It's idiotproof and I love it. As Japanese brand eyeliners go in Singapore, it's not fantastically cheap again, retailing at S$19.90. This is like the Pilot G Tech (my favourite pen of all time, you know...the one that sells pens of 0.25, 0.4, 0.5 nibs?) of eyeliners.

Besides the fact that I have the limited anniversary edition that is bright pink which I know some girls will gush over and which I will also guiltily admit I bought because it was pink (shy face), I think the normal brown/black case is better because this gold print shows wear and tear like crazy. It just gets pretty scratched up and I don't like that. However because it's pink it's so easy to find when I reach for my eyeliner in the morning.
Pen snaps shut securely and product doesn't dry out.
No way to cap the cover at the back of the pen!!!! BOO. Seriously, this is something all pen manufacturers need to learn. Despite the pen not being as sleek and single diameter all the way through the length of the pen, it is so much more user friendly to provide somewhere to fit the cap when open. PEEVE.
I've been using this pen for a month now, almost everyday. The brush is still as perfect as it was when I bought it. Though the ink seems to not be running to the tip of the brush as well as when it was new and I can't tell if it's because there's something wrong or if the ink is running out. If the ink is running out after a month then it's really got the least ink in a pen that I've ever seen, especially since I don't spam thick lines. Pity because I love it so much.
As I mentioned at the start. This eyeliner is idiotproof. It has a calligraphy-type brush for a tip which is just the right stiffness to get good control of the line. I can't say whether I prefer the marker-type/felt tip-type tip for drawing or this flexible brush tip, because both work equally well for me. I do find that a flexible tip allows me to draw nicer and more natural looking flicks that a stiff felt tip. It's also slightly easier to taper the line into a thin edge with a flexible brush.
As you can see from the photo, I can draw thick and thin lines. I can even draw 2 thin lines branching from each other without having them bleed across the skin into each other (though unless you're an artist you'll probably only draw one line on your eye....). Just to be honest I just wanted my thin line to look straight, that's why I drew a branch.
Ink is an intense black that's not the shiny flaky kind of black. Great pigmentation, but please be sure to use a proper cleanser to get this out. My sister used a lousy cleanser with this and she said it left a green line on her eyelid. I don't have a problem when I cleanse.
How it looks like when drawn. You get what you draw because it simply does not bleed.
Lasts all day, very very waterproof through sweat and humid weather. I've worn this and gone full out cycling and it did not budge. I've also taken a long haul flight and then continued a day of touring with this. No fading, it's quite sick. The only thing that budged was the tip of the line where it is thinnest, and that just faded a little, not disappeared. I don't have incredibly oily eyelids, but I have a feeling oil will definitely cause this baby to fade. I haven't heard of any oil-proof liners though...unless it's permanently tattooed eyeliner. owch.
Don't rub eyes vigorously because that WILL rub it away. Apart from that, (for the third time), idiotproof!
- cute eye catching packaging (at least the one I have)
- quality brush that does not seem to deteriorate
- proper black pigmentation
- ink does not bleed
- able to draw variety of lines from thin to thick
- flexible brush head allows good control
- lasts ridiculously long
cons (there's nothing wrong with this, really):
- nowhere to cap the cover when open
- quantity of ink seems to run towards the low side
You have the art of the eyeliner flick perfected! Love this look - and thanks to you considering this as a new treat for my makeup collection!xxx
Thank you! (: It really is the best liquid eyeliner I've ever used!!!